
End of semester blues (and rosy reds)

I have to admit that the end of the semester (or year) is my favorite time in any course. And it's not for the jaded reason that it's over—no more teenagers—but because it's immensely satisfying, like a laborious yet delicious meal.

Here are some responses I've received from students:

This class was very challenging but I want to thank you for setting the standard so high. I really learned a lot this semester. —A.D.

I just wanted to say thanks for a good semester and to tell you that I learned a lot. Even though the work load was tough, and the grading was tough, I feel it made me an overall better writer. I appreciate it! P.S. Your cookies were really good. —B.U.

Some of my peers were genuinely worried about their portfolios. I couldn't feel their pain. I've been there and done that! I've told them numerous times: I had Prof. Casey, if I could pass her (barely), I could pass any writing professor. —L.W.

One student, a twice-veteran of Professor Casey, thanked me for two great semesters, and gave me a toothy smile and a thumbs up as he said goodbye.

And one ESL student, upon picking up her passing portfolio, found that words failed her—and gave me a hug instead.

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